
by Heather Brennan

Tell me about how the clouds

look like suede. Like

rows of angel wings, arching

softly off toward the heavens

they came from. The boats scar the water

with their crossings, glistening snail-tracks

across another suede. Tell me

about how there are basking sharks here,

how I bet they’ve never seen

a sunset before. A slick head

surfaces, sees what it knows:

empty sky, sail. Humanity pooling

through time, we pirates, we dark

ferrymen. Every shell you’ve ever

plucked, fingertip-touched over its

glossy curves, has remembered you.

This earth remembers differently

than the sea. We all come to dust.

The sand covets us. One day,

I want barnacles to kiss 

the dust of me; I want them

to cover what crawled

out of the ocean and one day

came back.

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