From euphoria at the blossom's destruction


in time-lapse, save us. We quicken & hiss like serpents,


our tongues flick us forward. We are studies of peritonitis


at the U.S. Forensic Death Farm in Tennessee. From the stunned


half-smiles of the decomposed, we rise. A dwarf inflates


to a giant, bloated like a Macy's float. The corpse


is arranged in Holding Area 232a: the effects


of assault rifle fire have been digitally photographed


for the muse to download for this page, an aggregate of signs


that I have fashioned with her aid. Tell me


to what end, o master. Without you words are pure convention.


Show me where the soul clings on, the Ineffable Name.


The language of the old belief, has it perished?


Keystroke, rictus, click, contusion: the apparitions gather like breath.

From World Tree by David Wojahn. Copyright © 2012 by David Wojahn. Published by University of Pittsburgh Press. Used by permission of the publisher. All rights reserved.