Taking the Poem from the Poet

What if I tell you they didn’t evacuate

the high school after he brought in the

clock? What if he and clock waited in the

principal’s office

until the police came? You look at me

as though I pulled the fire alarm,

yelled into a crowded theatre. You

think I can erase the weapon out

of the hands of that young man in

Kevlar pointing his assault rifle at me?

Would your pain lessen? Would you

sleep tomorrow? What if I expunge the

hoodie? Outlaw convenience

stores? Institute curfew for all adult males

after 8 p.m.? Did you know that kid

loved horses, ate Skittles, went to

aviation camp? What if

I rub out midnight of the blue, blue

world? Take the jaywalk from the boy

trying to catch a city

bus? Which blue should it be? First or

second? The last thing you hear on the radio

before mashing

another button? What if there were no loosies

to smoke, steal, hawk? What if Sandy used her signal?

I say her name, I canonize the thought all

black lives matter. What if I raise my

voice? What if I don’t stop speaking?

What if I stop talking back?

Then will you miss me?


Copyright © 2019 by Devi S. Laskar. Originally published in Poem-a-Day on June 11, 2019, by the Academy of American Poets.

About this Poem

“For the past nine years I’ve been struggling to put into words the anger and fear, the survivor’s guilt, and PTSD I’ve felt since May 2010 when my house was raided at gunpoint. I’ve been especially anxious since the death of Trayvon Martin in 2012. I have children who wore hoodies and lived in the South at that time. Three years later, I felt overwhelmed watching the news, it seemed like every month in 2015 there was something new and horrible: the incident in Texas with high school student Ahmed Mohamed, the death of Sandra Bland, and Emilio Mayfield in Stockton, California, among other victims of police violence. I started this poem after taking a daylong workshop with Ellen Bass and Natalie Diaz. I’m so grateful to them for their strategies and suggestions for unlocking the poem.”

—Devi S. Laskar