After Frank O’Hara

It’s 8:54 a.m. in Brooklyn it’s the 28th of July and

it’s probably 8:54 in Manhattan but I’m 

in Brooklyn I’m eating English muffins and drinking

pepsi and I’m thinking of how Brooklyn is New

York city too how odd I usually think of it as

something all its own like Bellows Falls like Little

Chute like Uijongbu

                               I never thought on the Williams-

burg bridge I’d come so much to Brooklyn

just to see lawyers and cops who don’t even carry

guns taking my wife away and bringing her back


and I never thought Dick would be back at Gude’s

beard shaved off long hair cut and Carol reading

his books when we were playing cribbage and

watching the sun come up over the Navy Yard

across the river

                         I think I was thinking when I was

ahead I’d be somewhere like Perry street erudite

dazzling slim and badly loved

contemplating my new book of poems

to be printed in simple type on old brown paper

feminine marvelous and tough

Used with permission of University of California Press, from The Collected Poems of Ted Berrigan by Ted Berrigan © 2005; permission conveyed through Copyright Clearance Center, Inc.