for J.B. 

The wall surrounding them they never saw;

The angels, often. Angels were as common

As birds or butterflies, but looked more human.

As long as the wings were furled, they felt no awe.

Beasts, too, were friendly. They could find no flaw

In all of Eden: this was the first omen.

The second was the dream which woke the woman.

She dreamed she saw the lion sharpen his claw.

As for the fruit, it had no taste at all.

They had been warned of what was bound to happen.

They had been told of something called the world.

They had been told and told about the wall.

They saw it now; the gate was standing open.

As they advanced, the giant wings unfurled.

“The Wall” from Collected Poems by Donald Justice, copyright © 2004 by Donald Justice. Used by permission of Alfred A. Knopf, an imprint of the Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, a division of Penguin Random House LLC. All rights reserved.