Good morning mess of stars
just out of sight
and other things we choose
to make invisible with
the promise of their own design.
Reflections may chisel its strange song,
but think of skin
worn down under
the mass of
its panic (or purpose)
but not the trajectory
of missile fire scarring the sky.
Why must “missile” contain
the word “miss,” as if built into its
horror is the assurance
it will land
where it shouldn’t? Think
of a pointed word or a smoothed stone
purposed for disaster. History
waits for everyone or for
no one, and a shawl covers
only what’s a thumb smaller
than itself. Drifting
from the skyscraper of the mind,
its pattern billows and opens,
falling along and further down
like a flag bereft of its pole
so gently, it flails.
Copyright © 2016 Adam Clay. “The Terror of Flight” originally appeared in The Shallow Ends. Used with permission of the author.