I often wonder about the others,

Where they are bound for on the voyage,

What is the reason for their silence,

Was there some reason to go away?

It may be they carry a dark burden,

Expect some harm, or have done harm.

How can we show them we mean no harm?

Approach them? But they shy from others.

Offer, perhaps, to share the burden?

They change the subject to the voyage,

Or turn abruptly, walk away,

To brood against the rail in silence.

What is defeated by their silence

More than love, less than harm?

Many already are looking their way,

Pretending not to. Eyes of others

Will follow them now the whole voyage

And add a little to the burden.

Others touch hands to ease the burden,

Or stroll, companionable in silence,

Counting the stars which bless the voyage,

But let the foghorn speak of harm,

Their hearts will stammer like the others’,

Their hands seem in each other’s way.

It is so obvious, in a way.

Each is alone, each with his burden.

To others they are always others,

And they can never break the silence,

Say, lightly, thou, but to their harm

Although they make many a voyage.

What do they wish for from the voyage

But to awaken far away

By miracle free from every harm,

Hearing at dawn that sweet burden

The birds cry after a long silence?

Where is that country not like others?

There is no way to ease the burden.

The voyage leads on from harm to harm,

A land of others and of silence.

“Sestina on Six Words by Weldon Kees” from Collected Poems by Donald Justice, copyright © 2004 by Donald Justice. Used by permission of Alfred A. Knopf, an imprint of the Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, a division of Penguin Random House LLC. All rights reserved.