a little red dot is
a laser pointer
a moving target
a danger button
a recorder button
a pottu
a pimple
a popstar
a rash
a makaan orredi?
a smile of a query unconcerned with whether
it was mealtime
a panic room
a piercing
a period
of uncertainty asking
why can’t I question what I love?
why can’t I love what I question?
a third eye for an eye
on the prize
an accessory to murder
of crows on an angsana
a birdcall
flitting across
catcalling worms
a discreet witness
to bargain basement love stories
onwards and up yours
a cockroach friend scurrying over unwashed masses
this boy does not know anything
such a waste
thinks he is headlight
when he is just deer
a song that goes
this is
is this
is this
a home?
this is
a home?
what home
is this?

Copyright © 2023 by Shivram Gopinath. Originally published in Poem-a-Day on August 15, 2023, by the Academy of American Poets.