I saw then the white-eyed man

leaning in to see if I was ready

yet to go where he has been waiting

to take me. I saw then the gnawing

sounds my faith has been making

and I saw too that the shape it sings

in is the color of cast-iron mountains

I drove so long to find I forgot I had

been looking for them, for the you

I once knew and the you that was born

waiting for me to find you. I have been

twisting and turning across these lifetimes

where forgetting me is what you do

so you don’t have to look at yourself. I saw

that I would drown in a creek carved out

of a field our incarnations forged the first path

through to those mountains. I invited you to stroll

with me there again for the first time, to pause

and sprawl in the grass while I read to you

the poem you hadn’t known you’d been waiting

to hear. I read until you finally slept

and all your jagged syntaxes softened into rest.

You’re always driving so far from me towards

the me I worry, without you, is eternity. I lay there,

awake, keeping watch while you snored.

I waited, as I always seem to, for you

to wake up and come back to me.

Copyright © 2016 by Tarfia Faizullah. Originally appeared in Poetry (September 2016). Used with permission of the author.