May the desert lavender, poppy, marigold buds,
studded along the trails of Windgate pass,
open their mouths to a gentle rain
then burst into blossom
just for you.
Let it be a merciful Spring.
When the McDowell mountains sing
ancient songs of promise,
may your heart remain unbroken.
May every street and avenue of this city
lead you to blessings of good health.
And when you stand near the banks
of the Salt River,
with only the humming cicadas
to keep you company and
the Sweet Acacia trees to bear witness,
may this be a singular moment
of peace.
Let it be so, and
if and when
you dare to look up at a moonless night sky,
may a thousand flickering stars
overwhelm you.
May you see in the dazzle of white lights
the faces of everyone you’ve ever loved and lost.
May they guide you to a better life—
let it be so.

Copyright © 2024 Lois Roma-Deeley. Reprinted by permission of the author.