The better to hear
you with, my dear.

Come right
in, prayer.

Let those who have ears to hear, hear.
(Ab. Sourd, bien sûr.)

Of course, of course.
Amo, amas:

He listens.
She glistens.

Dear god, don't
let me use.

Shadows wave. Wane.
Weather, and in that vein,

a work of translation:
shoot up, get high.

Plough the clouds.
Sky furrows, the brow

of night, an evil
thought, a star

especially bright:
anger, just that.

Scat, track, shit, horse
and what'd he just throw in our yard?

Of night, a needle.
Erose, the petal

of the rosary to ring
god's words around.

Erose, those words
in the mouth of night.

where no teeth

Copyright © 2004 by Liz Waldner. Reprinted from Saving the Appearances, published by Ahsahta Press, 2004.