I have gone backward in the work,
   The labour has not sped;
Drowsey and dark my spirit lies,
   Heavy and dull as lead.

How can I rouse my sinking soul
   From such a lethargy?
How can I break these iron chains
   And set my spirit free?

There have been times when I have mourned
   In angruish o’er the past,
And raised my suppliant hands on high,
   While tears fell thick and fast;

And prayed to have my sins forgiven,
   With such a fervent zeal,
An earnest grief, a strong desire,
   As now I cannot feel.

And vowed to trample on my sins,
   And called on Heaven to aid
My spirit in her firm resolves
   And hear the vows I made.

And I have felt so full of love,
   So strong in spirit then,
As if my heart would never cool,
   Or wander back again.

And yet, alas! how many times
   My feet have gone astray!
How oft have I forgot my God!
   Have greatly fallen away!

My sins increase, my love grows cold,
   And Hope within me dies:
Even Faith itself is wavering now;
   Oh, how shall I arise?

I cannot weep, but I can pray,
   Then let me not despair;
Lord Jesus, save me, lest I die;
   Christ, hear my humble prayer!

From The Complete Poems by Anne Brontë (New York: George H. Doran Co., 1920) by Anne Brontë. Copyright © New York: George H. Doran Co. This poem is in the public domain.