Today the dragonflies return.
The courtyard bursts an insanity of roses.

Today is dense with love perfume.
Ardent sun. The proximity of birds.

Roses bloom just to be noticed. The blessed
blossoms know this is their only purpose.

I await my sojourner, again weary 
from his wandering, and putting to rest 

my witch’s ways. In love I pine
for him but it is air that sustains me.

My Father-light rises spinning, fueling
the world. Life is renewed.

An admirer could remark God is good to me. 
I pray to amplify the burgeoning. Sanctified

I summon a storm, track its thrust with slow eyes.
The lightning will be startling and insistent,

thunder’s belated warning full of bravado.
Mother Moon will kiss withered petals full again.

Fortified by dancing planets, my warrior
will be valiant against the humors of the day, 

I sing a lullaby. It will be a night of dreams.
He will wake refreshed.

His sleeping breath frees me
from the prison of my sorcery.

From Psychometry (Tiger Bark Press, 2019) by Georgia Popoff. Copyright © 2019 Georgia Popoff. Reprinted by permission of the author.