They who to warmer regions run,

May bless the favour of the sun,

But seek in vain what charms us here,

Life’s picture, varying with the year.

Spring, and her wanton train advance

Like Youth to lead the festive dance,

All, all her scenes are mirth and play,

And blushing blossoms own her sway.

The Summer next (those blossoms blown)

Brings on the fruits that spring had sown,

Thus men advance, impelled by time,

And Nature triumphs in her prime.

Then Autumn crowns the beauteous year,

The groves a sicklier aspect wear;

And mournful she (the lot of all)

Matures her fruits, to make them fall.

Clad in the vestments of a tomb,

Old age is only Winter’s gloom—

Winter, alas! shall spring restore,

But youth returns to man no more.

First published in Bailey’s Pocket Almanac for 1785.