XLV [Before the ice is in the pools]

Before the ice is in the pools,

      Before the skaters go,

Or any cheek at nightfall

      Is tarnished by the snow,

Before the fields have finished,

      Before the Christmas tree,

Wonder upon wonder

      Will arrive to me!

What we touch the hems of

      On a summer’s day;

What is only walking

      Just a bridge away;

That which sings so, speaks so,

      When there’s no one here,—

Will the frock I wept in

      Answer me to wear?


This poem is in the public domain. Published in Poem-a-Day on December 25, 2019, by the Academy of American Poets. 

About this Poem

“XLV [Before the ice is in the pools]” was originally published in Poems: Third Series (Boston Roberts Brothers, 1896).