The moon croons ghost
            & curtains lift
            Into the room magic & shine
                        The moon sings
Light of pinball machines
            Over the skin
                        Of the world

            The moon whispers pretty pretty
                        Pleads for you

The moon croons lost & stare
                        A hole in it stare
                                    It whole
            Lovedusted new each
                        Opening time each
                        Moth-thin page
                                    Each dark glowing flesh 

            Pity those that die the moon sings
                        The moon whispers

                        Without dynamite the moon
                        Pleads the bathtub filled the moon

                                    Bellows bubbleslick
                                    Bawls glory glory
                                    With blood
            The moon croons let me
            Cover you the moon sings who
                        Is inside you the moon whispers

            Did you hear
Something out there out

            There what will you say to them
                        When I’m gone?


Copyright © 2014 Alex Lemon. “The Wish Book” originally appeared in The Wish Book (Milkweed Editions, 2014). Reprinted with permission of the author.