We Are All God’s Poems

all I crave is light & yet
sky is busy imitating milk
frozen in an upturned bowl

to be a person is a sounding
            host of breath
rehoused & rib scribbled inside

you there above
                   the page
casting your gaze over us
wanting us to be your mouth

& what would you say
                     with my body
bowed to bear the weight
of a line so taut it sings


Copyright © 2021 by Philip Metres. Originally published in Poem-a-Day on December 15, 2021, by the Academy of American Poets.

About this Poem

Thanks to Shann Ray for asking me (and others) to write poems for an anthology called We Are All God’s Poems—thus providing the grain that itched inside my shell. There is nothing else I can say about this poem that the poem itself doesn’t already say.”

Philip Metres