Stay Dry

It’s better to want nothing

more than a voice
to say what is sweet
what is sacred

but not what you can’t say.

The sky & earth sundered
diamond dust froze
for a child to speak at home.

Say what you must to the house

where your parents live/d
even if it’s not the same
door you remember.

The former house hears you

the land remembers all
buildings, homes, temples
and never forgets a foot

that traipsed over its face.

I’ve forgotten what I said
I wanted to tell you
but no matter

the wind says it for me

the wind says it for you
to know a secret
weather holds.

It’s raining again and on

your birthday
droplets are heavy.
Your lover has left you

an umbrella.


From Hereafter (The Song Cave, 2024) by Alan Felsenthal. Copyright © 2024 by Alan Felsenthal. Used with the permission of the publisher.