The birds were louder this morning,
raucous, oblivious, tweeting their teensy bird-brains out.
It scared me, until I remembered it’s Spring.
How do they know it? A stupid question.
Thank you, birdies. I had forgotten how promise feels.
Copyright © 2015 by Michael Ryan. Originally published in Poem-a-Day on May 4, 2015, by the Academy of American Poets.
“In an uncollected early essay called ‘Vorticism’ Ezra Pound wrote that things juxtaposed ‘create their own relationship’— a technique that poets since have taken to the bank and sometimes robbed it blind. ‘Spring (Again)’ presents a pretty straightforward narrative for three lines then spends the last two lines in the speaker’s mind. I hope the relationships are clear. The speaker is, as Emily Dickinson said, ‘not me, but a supposed person.’ I hope he’s a little funny as well as sad. After a winter like the recent one, people may need cheering up.”
—Michael Ryan