the first thing that an animal does when it enters a new place is kill felt sleep like the edge of some primordial licking fire graze him in the default just above the surface of the east river to be waved in the face of a charging bull a way into the darkness we're all gunning for where everything has blood on it there is earth here and space, the diamond these cliffs are where my friends were call it coca-cola fog or freak of need versus what-you-get always the gap but never the ba dum ba dum ba do, what has become of mister magoo? i would as soon look up a dress as look up a word see the green wall and the fluorescent light amid the rain and sunshine the ghoul
From Vertical Elegies 5 by Sam Truitt. Copyright © 2003 by Sam Truitt. Reprinted by permission of the University of Georgia Press. All rights reserved.
Date Published