A humble flower long time I pined
    Upon the solitary plain,
  And trembled at the angry wind,
    And shrunk before the bitter rain.
  And oh! 'twas in a blessed hour
    A passing wanderer chanced to see,
  And, pitying the lonely flower,
    To stoop and gather me.

  I fear no more the tempest rude,
    On dreary heath no more I pine,
  But left my cheerless solitude,
    To deck the breast of Caroline.
  Alas our days are brief at best,
    Nor long I fear will mine endure,
  Though shelter'd here upon a breast
    So gentle and so pure.

  It draws the fragrance from my leaves,
    It robs me of my sweetest breath,
  And every time it falls and heaves,
    It warns me of my coming death.
  But one I know would glad forego
    All joys of life to be as I;
  An hour to rest on that sweet breast,
    And then, contented, die!

This poem is in the public domain. 

About this Poem

From Ballads and Songs (London: Cassell and Company, 1896).