The Slave’s Complaint
Am I sadly cast aside, On misfortune’s rugged tide? Will the world my pains deride Forever? Must I dwell in Slavery’s night, And all pleasure take its flight, Far beyond my feeble sight, Forever? Worst of all, must hope grow dim, And withhold her cheering beam? Rather let me sleep and dream Forever! Something still my heart surveys, Groping through this dreary maze; Is it Hope?—they burn and blaze Forever! Leave me not a wretch confined, Altogether lame and blind— Unto gross despair consigned, Forever! Heaven! in whom can I confide? Canst thou not for all provide? Condescend to be my guide Forever: And when this transient life shall end, Oh, may some kind, eternal friend Bid me from servitude ascend, Forever!
This poem is in the public domain.
Date Published