Bamboo shoots on my grandmother's side path
grow denser every year they’re harvested for nuisance.
Breezes peel blush and white petals from her magnolia,
lacing unruly roots in the spring grass. For nine decades
she has seen every season stretch out of shape, this past
Connecticut winter slow to relinquish cold. As a girl
she herded slow turkeys on her Aunt Nettie’s farm, fifty acres
in a Maryland county that didn’t plumb until midcentury,
plucking chickens and pheasants from pre-dawn
into the late night, scratching dough
for neighbors, relatives stopping by for biscuits, and the view
from my window changes. It's Mother's Day
and I’d always disbelieved permanence—newness a habit,
change an addiction—but the difficulty of staying put
lies not in the discipline of upkeep, as when my uncle
hurricane-felled birches blocking the down-sloped driveway,
not in the inconvenience of well water
slowing showers and night flushes, not in yellowjackets
colonizing the basement, nuzzling into a hole
so small only a faint buzz announces their invasion
when violin solos on vinyl end, but in the opulence of acres
surrounding a tough house, twice repaired from fires, a kitchen
drawer that hasn’t opened properly in thirty years marked
nothing more permanent than the cracked flagstone
path to the door, the uneven earth shifting invisibly beneath it.
Copyright © 2015 by Khadijah Queen. Originally published in Poem-a-Day on August 13, 2015, by the Academy of American Poets.
“‘The Rule of Opulence’ took shape as my grandmother told me of her reluctance to sell her home of more than fifty years due to the escalating costs of upkeep, its advancing age and hers. It struck me as a luxury to have a single place so tied to life and memory, how rich to remain through difficulties, rather than seek perhaps more comfort and modern amenities elsewhere.”
—Khadijah Queen