On the Religion of Nature

The power, that gives with liberal hand

   The blessings man enjoys, while here,

And scatters through a smiling land

   The abundant products of the year;

      That power of nature, ever bless’d,

      Bestow’d religion with the rest.

Born with ourselves, her early sway

   Inclines the tender mind to take

The path of right, fair virtue’s way

   Its own felicity to make.

      This universally extends

      And leads to no mysterious ends.

Religion, such as nature taught,

   With all divine perfection suits;

Had all mankind this system sought

   Sophist would cease their vain disputes,

      And from this source would nations know

      All that can make their heaven below.

This deals not curses on mankind,

   Or dooms them to perpetual grief,

If from its aid no joys they find,

   It damns them not for unbelief;

      Upon a more exalted plan

      Creatress nature dealt with man—

Joy to the day, when all agree

   On such grand systems to proceed,

From fraud, design, and error free,

   And which to truth and goodness lead:

      Then persecution will retreat

      And man's religion be complete.


This poem is in the public domain