A peels an apple, while B kneels to God, C telephones to D, who has a hand On E’s knee, F coughs, G turns up the sod For H’s grave, I do not understand But J is bringing one clay pigeon down While K brings down a nightstick on L’s head, And M takes mustard, N drives to town, O goes to bed with P, and Q drops dead, R lies to S, but happens to be heard By T, who tells U not to fire V For having to give W the word That X is now deceiving Y with Z, Who happens, just now to remember A Peeling an apple somewhere far away.
From New and Selected Poems by Howard Nemerov, published by the University of Chicago Press. Copyright © 1960 by Howard Nemerov. Reprinted with the permission of Margaret Nemerov. All rights reserved.
Date Published