
‘ Have you not seen

⁠In ancient times

Pilgrims pass by

⁠Toward other climes?

With shining faces,

⁠Youthful and strong,

Mounting this hill

⁠With speech and with song?’

‘ Ah, my good sir,

⁠I know not those ways:

Little my knowledge,

    Tho' many my days.

When I have slumbered,

⁠I have heard sounds

As of travellers passing

⁠These my grounds:

‘ ’Twas a sweet music

⁠Wafted them by,

I could not tell

⁠If afar off or nigh.

Unless I dreamed it,

⁠This was of yore:

I never told it

⁠To mortal before;

‘ Never remembered

    But in my dreams,

What to me waking

⁠A miracle seems.”


From Poems of Nature (The Bodley Head, 1895) by Henry David Thoreau. Copyright © 1895 by Henry David Thoreau. This poem is in the public domain. This poem is in the public domain.