Upon the face of darkness beams my soul— 
    Nearby, behind the curtains of my sight; 
And ’round it weary waves of wonder roll— 
    Sad seas of color o’er dead seas of light: 
    Here is no Space, no Time—nor day nor night— 
Here is the boundless, undiminished Whole— 
                 Here is my soul.

Here is no love that hides beneath its shoal 
    The sandix that can redden a sea of years; 
Here is no lust that lies to Beauty’s mole 
    And draws from eyes of flint a flood of tears; 
    Here is no disenchantment and no fears— 
No blasted hopes, no jaunty joy, no dole— 
                 Here is my soul. 

Now lost in clay and water; now the Whole 
    Is lost within me: sea and earth and sky 
I dismiss from my presence, as I roll 
    My lids and lo, the lord of night am I. 
    Into the airless wilderness I fly; 
Here is no vain desire, no galling goal— 
                Here is my soul. 

In Eternity, shod with the hoary noul 
    Of deathless Death—in dim and shimmering shades 
Of soilless vales that bosom and cajole 
    The crystal flowers dropping from cloud-cascades; 
    Here in the grove of myriad colonnades 
Of jet and pearl and amber I now stroll— 
                Here is my soul.


From Myrtle and Myrrh (The Gorham Press, 1905) by Ameen Rihani. This poem is in the public domain.