
   For Gerrit


What is poetry? an image

      in the mirror;

reflection from a broadside

    pinned to the wall,

    penned by a friend,

        from where old feelings

        old meanings arise;

relief from pain; the diligence of work.

Mysterious words upon a page in adolescence;

listening to poets read. What is poetry?

       Breath, competence, success

or simply Eros.

                          “Four sides to every thing.”

The increase in electricity causes lights to flow.

   Is it only light, or heat,

      words ordered in a row.

Men or gods. I’ll never know

      or try to know

          more than the doing,

                  the flowing

rain upon the roof. That one hears,

                  and reveres

inside, away from the cold

    within the house

       where the heat

reminds one of what it is to be like

               out in the cold

   rushing over the field


Intelligence or emotion?     language.


From Supplication: Selected Poems of John Wieners, edited by Joshua Beckman, CAConrad, and Robert Dewhurst © 2015 John Wieners Literary Trust, Raymond Foye, Administrator. Reprinted with the permission of The John Wieners Literary Trust.