as the sun descended and the world fell in line across the water in a thin spectrum I watched a shadow cross the crusted sweating snow searching for the one it was, the space it would someday fill the anxious outline flit across the surface like an animal let loose who soon gets lost and stops and strains its neck, its frantic eyes scrape from side to side the shadow, like the bony field stood still and watched the dwindled light, like a figure wrapped in cloth--- unrecognizeable, generic soon the thin upper slice hung on its side like a loose spoke and the shadow fell asleep beneath it the next time the sun came up, it didn't know where it was like a tongue that can't be traced to its source or a song whose sound circles its form an amorphous throat lurked the field it answered its cry with its cry soon, it didn't matter where I looked, how much I tried, if I condensed or pumped my mind, if I held my hand or left it alone It was like, not really like, like keys scraping misfit holes
Copyright © 2010 by Priscilla Becker. Used with permission of the author.
Date Published