Everybody is already
someone else
An existential tag line
Money is current
I would like to not live
paycheck to paycheck
You could make a pun on currency
but not quite
Money is an energy nonetheless
Dark space Dark water
A long silent drive
Dark matter(s)
Driving is my personality
The methods of one wor(l)d revealing
the hidden harmonies of another
Prayer card Lotto ticket You occupy
my pocket
My payment has not arrived
Copyright @ 2014 by Justin Marks. Used with permission of the author. This poem appeared in Poem-a-Day on May 15, 2014.
“The poet Niina Pollari has a book coming called Dead Horse, and in it is an amazing poem about debt—how she loves her debt and thinks about it as part of her physical being. Reading that poem...her voice really got in my head, and the notes that I had been jotting down on my phone for whatever my next poem would be became this poem. I owe this poem to Niina Pollari.”
—Justin Marks