In Memory of Colonel Charles Young

Along the shore the tall, thin grass 

    That fringes that dark river, 

While sinuously soft feet pass, 

    Begins to bleed and quiver.

The great dark voice breaks with a sob

    Across the womb of night; 

Above your grave the tom-toms throb, 

    And the hills are weird with light. 

The great dark heart is like a well

    Drained bitter by the sky, 

And all the honeyed lies they tell 

    Come there to thirst and die. 

No lie is strong enough to kill

    The roots that work below; 

From your rich dust and slaughtered will

    A tree with tongues will grow. 


This poem is in the public domain. 

About this Poem

"In Memory of Colonel Charles Young" appeared in The New Negro: An Interpretation (Albert & Charles Boni, Inc., 1925).