Loom Poem

I window words into a name
a light kiss on his chest 
                                                           I trace
                                                    the letter t        
                                         its seep whisper                          
                                   morning scatter                                         
                              mosquito grasses                                                     
                        curtained yucca                                         
             I snakeweed another name    
             collapse worn tongues into hymns
             memories against 
             pink lights against


             pink lights against
             memories against
             collapse worn tongues into hymns
             I snakeweed another name
                        curtained yucca
                               mosquito grasses                                                     
                                      morning scatter                                         
                                            its seep whisper                          
                                                        the letter t        
                                                               I trace
a light kiss on his chest
I window words into a name


Copyright © 2025 by Jake Skeets. Originally published in Poem-a-Day on March 17, 2025, by the Academy of American Poets.

About this Poem

“Loom poems were a way back into writing poetry—for me. During the pandemic, like everyone else, I had a hard time writing. So I began revising. I went through all the poems from my first book and revised them. Some of them became these loom poems. Inspired by Diné weavers who weave from the bottom up and often mirror the top and bottom halves. Where they meet is a kind of horizon. It’s an old arithmetic that helped me find my way back into poetry.” 
—Jake Skeets