The lamp is like a capsized ship
or like a lantern gone drunk
And she’s to sleep by it
or stare wide-eyed at its light askew
And she’s to read to it
to put it to sleep
And she’s to dream in it
warmly aglow as a leopard
whose body is shadow and light
Whose body isn’t?
She’s missing again
Where did she go?
Is she spiraling?
Less energy than that…
Will the bedsheets accommodate her?
She’s alone in them, alone where she can
easily breathe
despite the horrors the stretchers the gasping …?
How can anyone
breathe easily …. She must
be still as a Bradford Pear in uneasy shadow…
That tree that self-destructs that tree that neuters the real pear trees
What a blow it was so beautiful and erect at first—
and she so lonely
Lonely as a cup
Here is a card:
She needs the Lion today, the one who leaves
gold footprints in the marsh
Copyright © 2024 by Alessandra Lynch. Originally published in Poem-a-Day on April 5, 2024, by the Academy of American Poets.
“The Two Voices are brooding over the Speaker of the poem and wishfully conjuring a Lion for her loneliness.”
—Alessandra Lynch