Killin’ Nanny

Two little pickny is watchin’ ,

    While a goat is led to deat’ ;

Dey are little ones of two years,

     An’ know naught of badness yet.

De goat is bawlin’ fe mussy

    An’ de children watch de sight

As de butcher re’ch his sharp knife,

    An’ tab wid all his might.

Dey see de red blood flowin’ ;

     An’ one chil’ trimble an’ hide

His face in de midder’s bosom,

     While t’udder look on wide-eyed.

De tears is fallin’ down hotly

      From him on de mudder’s knee;

De udder wid joy is starin’,

       An’ clappin’ his han’s wid glee.

When dey had forgotten Nanny,

        Grown men I see dem again;

An’ de forehead of de laughter

         Was brand’ wid de mark of Cain.



From Songs of Jamaica (Aston W. Gardner & Co., 1912) by Claude McKay. This poem is in the public domain.