To Inspector W. E. Clark

Farewell, dear Sir, a sad farewell! 

An’ as across the deep you sail, 

   Bon voyage we wish you:

We love you deepest as we can, 

As officer an’ gentleman, 

  With love sincere an’ true. 

Though often you have been our judge, 

We never owed you one lee grudge,

  For you were always fair: 

So, as the sad farewell we say, 

May Neptune guide you, Sir, we pray

  With ever watchful care. 

But as you travel to our home, 

Sad are the strange thoughts which will come, 

   Bringin’ an aching pain; 

That as this is a fitful life, 

With disappointments ever rife, 

   We may not meet again. 

Yet while our hearts are filled with grief, 

The god of hope brings sweet relief

  An’ bids us not despair: 

Of all our thoughts we cannot tell, 

But wish you, Sir, a fond farewell, 

   A farewell of good cheer. 



From Songs of Jamaica (Aston W. Gardner & Co., 1912) by Claude McKay. This poem is in the public domain.