Fought the hungry ghosts here on Earth "What is man?" asked the King Alcuin’s reply: "A guest of space." And time yes time: The past lies before us, the future comes up from behind Walking on Primrose Hill or Isle of Wight beaches Iowa City streets scrambling up snow-covered deer track To Doc Holliday’s grave in Glenwood Springs His helmet now shall make a hive for bees He fought the hungry ghosts here on Earth Strong & resourceful on his best days, Patient kind and presente Returning those with him to here & now But just as we settle in with our Pepsi and popcorn THE END rolls up too soon always too soon
"'What is man?' asked the King": Pippin, son of Charlemagne, 9th century C.E. "His helmet
now . . . ": George Peele, Polyhymnia.
From Guests of Space by Anselm Hollo. Copyright © 2007 by Anselm Hollo. Published by Coffee House Press. Used by permission of the publisher.
Date Published