This tree has a small LED display 
It is glowing and it can show you words 
and it can show you pictures and it can melt 
from one choice to another and you are looking at it 
and it wants you to share the message 
but it can’t see that you are the only one around 
and that everyone else is hibernating 
which you love You are so happy and alone 
with the red and yellow lights It’s a nice day 
to be in nature and to read up on the very bland ideas 
this tree has about how to live This tree says 
grow stronger and this tree says fireworks effect 
This tree is the saddest prophet in history 
but you don’t tell it that You are trying to show it respect 
which gets tiresome but then it flashes 
a snake at you It’s a kind of LED tree hybrid joke 
and you could just kiss it for trying For failing
But it can’t see you and it starts to cry

From What Is Amazing by Heather Christle. Copyright © 2012 by Heather Christle. Reprinted with permission of Wesleyan University Press. All rights reserved.