How can he be absolutely in motion and absolutely motionless at the same time? Is it because, far from his place, he seeks absolutely to return there? Or to occupy it absolutely? A body in motion sometimes leaves traces in motionless bodies. From which the snowy image: each thing in its place is absolutely in motion is absolutely at rest. D’où vient qu’il est absolument en mouvement et absolument immobile en même temps ? Est-ce parce qu’éloigné de son lieu, il cherche absolument à y retourner ? Ou bien qu’il l’occupe absolument ? Un corps en mouvement laisse parfois des traces dans les corps immobiles. D’où l’effet neigeux de l’image: chaque chose à sa place est absolument en mouvement est absolument au repos.
From Fortino Samano (The Overflowing of the Poem) by Virginie Lalucq and Jean-Luc Nancy, translated by Cynthia Hogue and Sylvain Gallais. Copyright © 2012 by Virginie Lalucq, Jean-Luc Nancy, Cynthia Hogue and Sylvain Gallais. Used by permission of Omnidawn. All rights reserved.
Date Published