Flyover Country

Between Memphis and Bristol

Turtletown  Cottontown  Reagantown

Trade Pigeon  Forge  Coalfield  Hurricane  Gray

Huntersville  Fisherville  Manlyville  Guys

Static  Gentry  Difficult  Bride

Shackle  Island  Bone  Cave  Pioneer  Swift

Wartrace  Nixon  Ransom  Stand  Gift

Barren  Plain  Nameless  Cherokee  Pope

Campaign  White House  Purdy  New  Hope

Bugscuffle  Speedwell  Tazewell  Yell

Brick Church  Hanging Limb  Burnt Church  Bells

Littlelot  Bucksnort  Bitter End  Boone

Needmore  Prospect  Liberty  Moons


Copyright © 2019 Caki Wilkinson. This poem originally appeared in Kenyon Review, March/April 2019. Reprinted with permission of the author.