Muddled stillness
All summer
Punched the yellow jacket nest
Cavernous paper
Valved like a parched heart
Over and over
I let it
Beat outside
My body
No dark to cradle
The living part
The glare sears seeing
Something moves out of the corner
Often it is more nothing
From its silk sack.
This stillness
Shifts. Streak
Of tiny particulars
Pained in relation: the experience still
So still
It is invisible?
It will settle, I will tell you
Where the edges belong
That bare aspiring edge
That killing arrow
Feathered from its
Own wing
Then the third
River forms
When pain’s lit
Soft lip
Of my vision
Effacing, radiates
A late, silty light
My life
Slowly bottoming
Into thought
Copyright © 2018 by Michelle Gil-Montero. Originally published in Poem-a-Day on November 15, 2018, by the Academy of American Poets.
About this Poem
“I wrote this poem, a part of a longer series, after giving birth to my son last spring. The title refers to the first forty days after childbirth, which many cultures view as a sacred time, a sort of second gestation in the womb of the house—an intimate interim between the birth and re-/joining the world. It’s a delicate, weird, precarious time—not quite life yet.”
—Michelle Gil-Montero
Date Published