for memorial at Zinc Bar, 23 June 2007, NYC

		I am your sugarplum fairy commodore in chief.
			—kari edwards

		conturbabimus illa.
                                (Vivamus, mea Lesbia, atque amemus 
		[let us live, my Lesbia, and let us love])
			—Catullus V.II

damesirs of fishairs
princes reginae
I don't need this botheration
guilded toe in a gendered pension
embedded narcissism
skirts can or could not be worn w/

intentional disgrace
getting oh-aff
I sleep where I sit
gog and magog
ope myopia

sweetness and delight do
it for sidney, as starlover did rue
on star, thir mistress cloying
the lack, with thir poesis toying

twill never hurt
regina prince
alack, areft
locks beset
candle agrove
a buck in a corridor

as like with likeness grace the tongue
and sweets with sweets cloy them among

conturbabimus illa
let us confound them

beasts implored and character impaled
agathas breast in a 14th century pincer anon
7 heads w/ 7 comings on
horns on their horns
wings at their feet and at their wings

well you have three seconds to live
bespeckled apprentice
freckled daylily
a penny uneasily
pleaded myrtle

iron bootblackening
at the speed
we levatate con
there is no missus
I am among

limbed elms
colluding with doves

nor tide nor tail
angels w/ svelte angles

the rub and tug goils
languid as jersey
too early for supper

etc was their pimp
and whatever their sucker
master cleanser

w/ corporate coffee
and torture pâté

my present page
in l-l-livery

old glut
of a beast's spleen
the glory over
lordling socked ajaw

nassau ablog
by fairly a sweepmate a swoopster
bedevilled in gullet
swashbuckld by proxy

homosexuality eh?
red river andaloos
funny albeit friday
all the dork-rock

gender suggests
we levitate avec
held captive
patrón, bothermonger

ah myrtle
why sie is taken
my mind
impertinent parasol

glossy wit promise of salt
caint leave thir cellphone alone
ipode eterna
satellite viscera

muscadetted papillon (that one)

17 stallions
with horns on their heads
and horns coming out of the horns

a papillon
that one

a buck in a corridor
conturbabimus illa
let us confound them

all ridded of giggling
anthropomorphia aghast
DL in the bowries 
the tee hee ambigenuity
of amputee-wannabees

googling tee hee
silly faggot
dicks are for chicks
dicks are for chicks

wicked hee
to bury my heart at
my heart was in my knee

From gowanus atropolis, published by Ugly Duckling Presse. Copyright © 2011 by Julian T. Brolaski. Used by permission of the publisher. All rights reserved.