In diagrams, there’s one on either side of
the uterus. But they float
around the coral pouch, tangle up,
the surgeon said.
Cilia sway like seagrass,
the tube wall pulsing with waves
of hairs to push the genetic scribble
through, out—
Though not for me. I think of prior women knifed open
to first acquire this knowledge.
I think of vespers
mumbled over their noses and cheeks
while the last few stars
of thought punctuated the mind.
Blood smelled the same in the sixteenth
century. Rain on flagstones, clay and spit.
Gabriele Falloppio also studied the labyrinth
of the ear. Held the tiny drum
lightly in his palm. But the pink string
I saw in my surgeon’s photograph
resembles a trumpet—the pipes
pumped as though by a mouth.
Pucker, kiss. Tuba uteri.
We say tube. Flared opening releasing
a breath of something. A legislated
cell. There are raw edges to everything
if you look
closely. My stowaway was
a silkworm caught in the grass, gathering
red fibers in a squashed hell.
My forehead cold. And my hands. My face
a wooden figurehead growing mold
fixed to the bow of a smashed ship.
Nautical needle spinning between
North and South. Where was I? Where
was I? Pinned and saved. In the photo,
the surgeon’s tool lifts the strand:
it bulges like a snake.
Cracks caulked with blood. Ripping open.
The organs around what’s missing and their red
verbena will shift in the cavity. Are shifting now. The veined
purse settles. Absence filling in.
I do not feel
that work except that
I do.
Copyright © 2024 by Tyler Mills. Originally published in Poem-a-Day on March 7, 2024, by the Academy of American Poets.
“In October 2022, I went to the emergency room in the middle of the night thinking I had a blood clot. It turns out it was a life-threatening ectopic pregnancy.”
—Tyler Mills