For Albert Goldbarth & Margarita Robles

Are you going to steal lines collect
manual typewriters 8 miles high the serotonin Albert
Goldbarth mentions the sugary night the howling
speeding most of all are you going to hobble here—
                                                             time travel?
a possible future burns your dolphin karma
forking out 500 lives from now 
Whitman in piyamas spotted leopard-like piercing
the unavoidable Void the obsessed B-B-Q where we swoop
                   Bruja 			Hoodoo scribble
it is popping Hendrix in your head it is Joplin &
Flor Silvestre & Rosetta Tharpe & Itzpapalotl do you know 
how awake you are 
                                               8 Fold Path
too dark 
too lightning
the visualization is next 
the Ukrainian purge the intercontinental money money
O Tsunami where is my crystal realized selfie
          O my love my next Warhol dream in 
     revolution rouge & where is
my electric emerald wand rain Vajra
roll the ink & fire stones 	   unfold the third eyes 
the ten million arms of Tara & Einstein
of compassion of mercy of nebula rails come alive
jellyfish flags i bow to you 
                  jellyfish world wheel of 
swish & suffering

Copyright © 2014 by Juan Felipe Herrera. Used with permission of the author. This poem appeared in Poem-A-Day on March 11, 2014. Browse the Poem-A-Day archive.

About this Poem

“While listening to Albert Goldbarth read his line, ‘manual typewriters 8 miles high,’ in rocket speed, I wrote in similar manner. Later, I chipped and chopped words. Spiced it up a little with Ishmael Reed, His Holiness—the Dalai Lama and Einstein—they help me think about the big picture, about kindness and the unknown.”
—Juan Felipe Herrera