(disambiguation of miriam)

In 2017 activists strung up wedding dresses between the palm trees along Beirut’s seafront protesting a law allowing a rapist to escape punishment if he married his victim.


unlike eyes, the ears don’t shut when sleep treads in

unlike eye the ear dont sh when sleep tread sin

unlike eyes, the ears hunt din


ik eyes, the ears do read

au ai / inept / little pain

u lied / yes,

keyed shut / yes,

keyed shut we slept red


lithe earth whelp

u lied

ears shut in

years n’t

years n’t


Copyright © 2020 by Carolina Ebeid. Originally published in Poem-a-Day on April 27, 2020 by the Academy of American Poets.

About this Poem

“My poem belongs to a longer sequence titled ‘Drapery Studies,’ each poem a sketch of a wedding veil turned funeral shroud. It was startling to see the picture on my twitter feed of the wedding dresses in Lebanon, which at first looked like an art installation, then like executions. The act of protest using the principles of art. ‘A White Dress Won’t Cover Rape’ was the official name of the campaign started by the group Abaad MENA against this horrendous rape-marriage law, which was abolished in late 2017.”

Carolina Ebeid