Day, Daylong

Day, daylong, how the soul goes staring 

At its shoes, expanse that widens nakedly 

To world

                 where each is poised

Assassin, suicide, to wrest

Redemption of the other in its choice: yours 

The helpless span narration cannot close.

Route nor spectacle will not go blind

Nor bind their broken conscience to a page: 

Learn to be No-one in the voice of none, 

Friend in that friendless element forever 

Unbegun, a sea, a body, a remorse—

Take up this leaf: what do the dead, 

The unborn defend? Your living syllable 

Too mute, too loyal to its desuetude 

To enter speech that does not speak 

Consent, and claim, and failure to conclude.


Used with permission of Princeton University Press, from Corrupted into Song: The Complete Poems of Alvin Feinman, edited by Deborah Dorfman, 2016; permission conveyed through Copyright Clearance Center, Inc.