The deep wine of it risen tall above the buried corm, its ornamental spathe furrowed thought- fully, to human warmth. O un-branched inflouresence, amorpho- phalos, misshapen swelling, with its allure of rotting flesh for the scarabs to follow, hollow, to the sun-lit trove, as though all dark were light unbidden by our parsing eye, and love itself hidden inside the word. Call it life enrapt with death’s blight, blooming briefly. ~ Emergent morning in the sweet gum triggering green, green its wings fanning translucent below the porch light—angelic, a palm of light opening. Hallowed, hatched each instar inches undercover, a spent thing climbing larval, alluvial, out of every cycle’s shelf- life, its rife unknowing, to become this end— brief birth flying, flown, thrown at midnight into beginning. Mouth-less, it appears something bidden out of the dark, out of the broadleaf, unmoving, to say something wordlessly—the word we too can neither speak nor sing.
Copyright © 2013 by Daniel Tobin. Used with permission of the author. This poem appeared in Poem-A-Day on December 18, 2013. Browse the Poem-A-Day archive.
About this Poem
"'Corpse Flower, Luna Moth' is, I suppose, about seeing the hidden in the manifest, which is probably something quite different than William Carlos Williams’s old saw 'no ideas but in things.' Instead, the poem wants to create a living encounter in language with the distinct things it represents, which are two sides of one reality, like death and life. That living encounter, if it happens, happens through the word—the word that is language and the word that eludes utterance, but calls for utterance—being, singing—nonetheless."
—Daniel Tobin
Date Published