breathe we

breathe for George Floyd we

breathe for compassion we

do not know what that is we

another black man holy we

gone now George Floyd we

Ahmaud running street endless we

America scream & love we

do not know what love is we

breathe George Floyd flames we

next to you on a sp halt cho  ke we

knee Am Am

e      ri                   c        a w e


Copyright © 2020 by Juan Felipe Herrera. Originally published in Poem-a-Day on September 14, 2020 by the Academy of American Poets.

About this Poem

“I had been wanting to write a poem dedicated to George Floyd and Ahmaud Arbery for a while. After a few drafts, the poems felt forced. This piece was the last attempt. Gwendolyn Brooks came to the rescue—her hammering ‘we,’ and her complex simplicity. And a barely visible tint of Ginsberg.”

Juan Felipe Herrera