Beauty Feast

The love 
the only kissing union 
      that helps union become 

freedom just becoming 
greeting needing nothing 
heaving heaving reality 

helping reality become 
beauty kissing tree 
becoming becoming 

just becoming free yes yes yes 

Love just help greeting 
need mother universe 
need food 

making greeting reality 
become nothing 
freedom help us 

become helpful dreamer 
that is making union 
become nothing bounty 

beam nothing yes yes yes 

nothing becomes the 
food that reality needs to 

ingest becoming 
becoming reality meal 
reality freedom union 

need reality to become 
become helpful freedom 
reality greeting union 

sun yes yes yes


Copyright © 2024 by Hannah Emerson. Originally published in Poem-a-Day on September 20, 2024, by the Academy of American Poets. 

About this Poem

“Look: mother becomes kissing becoming helpful yearning universe kissing beauty yearning pleasing union; freeing treeing, greeting treeing, needing union tree; pleasing reality, pleasing beauty, only you yearned union; reality looks, pleases you (you) you yearn, pleasing you, becoming reality freedom yes yes. Kissing becomes very very very vehicle reeling beauty becoming reality helping you breathe yes. I become become become beauty beacon, treeing just becoming becoming becoming beauty, becoming greeting becoming nothing yes yes. I I I need looking glass to beam reality, reality becoming becoming, reality becoming helpful treeing becoming nothing, helping beauty become kissing greeting great mother yes yes.”
—Hannah Emerson