all of us all but us only
(but not us) the mammals or only
us: animal in us or only
the male of us: brute
no animals in the Bible
only beasts as of the field
not us: it says breathed
into in our image of the dust
anima breath to anima
soul but all animals
breathe the same one
long song the same air
Copyright © 2015 by Martha Collins. Used with permission of the author.
“‘Animal / Anima’ is one of a number of similar poems that appear throughout my book Admit One: An American Scrapbook, to be published by the University of Pittsburgh Press in 2016. Beginning with the 1904 St. Louis World’s Fair and highlighting other dates, events, and places (including the Bronx Zoo) that extend into and beyond the 1920s, the book addresses racism, eugenics, immigration, and other related issues through a collage of documentary materials and lyrical explorations.”
—Martha Collins